
Terms and Conditions

Last updated: August 27, 2016

Please read these Terms and Conditions ("Terms", "Terms and Conditions") carefully before using the xeddo.nl website (the "Service") operated by xeddo ("us", "we", or "our").

Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.

By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service.

This Terms">https://termsfeed.com/terms-conditions/generator/">Terms and Conditions was created with the help of TermsFeed.

Links To Other Web Sites

Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by xeddo.

xeddo has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that xeddo shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.

We strongly advise you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that you visit.


We may terminate or suspend access to our Service immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

All provisions of the Terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.

Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Netherlands, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between us regarding our Service, and supersede and replace any prior agreements we might have between us regarding the Service.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will try to provide at least 15 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using the Service.


If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us.



Voorwaarden (overeenkomst)
Je moet minimaal 18 jaar zijn om te registreren en gebruik van de site services xeddo.nl & xeddo.eu. Registratie van personen onder de 18 jaar is verboden.
Wij raden u aan aandachtig te lezen deze overeenkomst. Hij zet de voorwaarden waaronder wij bieden onze diensten via de site xeddo.nl
Als u zich aanmeldt en ga akkoord met de voorwaarden van deze overeenkomst, moet je de gehele periode van gebruik te volgen. Als u niet akkoord gaat met de voorwaarden van deze overeenkomst, niet te registreren en geen gebruik maken van de diensten van deze website.
Wij behouden ons het recht voor op elk moment te wijzigen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving deze overeenkomst. Verder gebruik is gelijk aan het automatisch accepteren van veranderingen. Wij adviseren regelmatig lezen van deze overeenkomst voor de laatste updates.
Xeddo.nl monitoring service.
Een aankondiging xeddo.nl is gratis. Advertenties kunnen foto's bevatten, op de kaart.
Alle aankondigingen worden gepubliceerd gratis gecontroleerd door onze operators. Oplichting, advertenties of advertenties gepubliceerd meer dan een keer worden verwijderd zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.

Om u te registreren en toegang tot de database "xeddo.nl" moet in de registratie vorm vul aantal verplichte gegevens. Als de door u verstrekte valse bewijzen, behouden wij ons het recht voor om deze overeenkomst te beëindigen en de toegang tot de site te voorkomen.
Alle informatie die u kunt identificeren (telefoon, e-mailadres, IP, enz.) En alle instellingen in uw account kunt u alleen worden gebruikt door website-eigenaren. Uw gegevens zijn vertrouwelijk en zullen niet aan derden worden doorgegeven, tenzij de wet ons vereist.
In het inschrijfformulier wordt u gevraagd om uw gsm-nummer in te voeren.
U kunt uw account op elk moment en om welke reden dan ook het gebruik van de 'account verwijderen' te annuleren. Op onze beurt kunnen wij verbieden u toegang op elk gewenst moment en om welke reden dan ook zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.
Je account is aangepast en veilig wachtwoord. U kiest uw eigen wachtwoord en een mogelijkheid om op elk gewenst moment u deze wijzigt. Als u een e-mailadres of het e-mailadres niet hebt voltooid, kunt voltooien een vals of onjuist is, kunt u uw wachtwoord niet herstellen als u het vergeet en je kunt niet op xeddo.nl toegang tot uw account.
Je moet niet vertellen niemand je wachtwoord of toegang te verlenen tot een andere gebruikersaccount. Ook deze overeenkomst u zich committeren aan een andere persoon niet om de toegang tot de site te geven via uw account.
Elke gebruiker krijgt slechts één account op de site te hebben. Als u vindt dat u meerdere accounts, behouden wij ons het recht om te annuleren en zelfs toegang tot de site te voorkomen.
U bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor de beveiliging van uw account en wachtwoord en voor alle activiteiten die worden uitgevoerd via uw account op de site. Als u niet uw account veiligheid te vertrouwen, is het het beste om uw wachtwoord te veranderen en laat het ons weten.
Wij behouden ons het recht voor om op elk moment zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving:
bepalingen en voorwaarden van deze overeenkomst
lay-out, opties, faciliteiten Site
Je moet niet vertellen niemand je wachtwoord of toegang te verlenen tot een andere gebruikersaccount. Ook bij deze overeenkomst verbindt zich niet om de database te verkopen of toegang tot de website via uw account.
Door lid te worden, gaat u ermee akkoord dat de database xeddo.nl:
spelfouten kunnen sluipen;
het kan gebeuren om telefoonnummers tegenkomen verkeerd of onbestaande is;
het kan gebeuren om advertenties gepubliceerd door immokantoren tegenkomen;
Het kan gebeuren niet precies alles wat je interesseert.
geblokkeerde rekening
xeddo.nl uw account wordt automatisch vergrendeld, zonder voorafgaande waarschuwing, in het geval dat uw account wordt gebruikt door veel verschillende mensen en ontdekken dat je hebt gemaakt een fictieve account of proberen onze diensten te misbruiken en in strijd is met deze overeenkomst .
Er zijn geen garanties.
xeddo.nl biedt website diensten als zodanig, maar geeft geen garantie met betrekking tot:
Beveiliging Site gebruikers;
fouten, onderbrekingen of verlies van de verbinding;
eventuele klachten met betrekking tot de operatie site;
klachten in verband met de inhoud van de databank;
eventuele fouten die de toegang tot het internet te voorkomen.
Om eventuele klachten aan te pakken kunt u gebruik maken van het contactformulier op de site gepubliceerd.
Wij behouden ons het recht voor om promotionele berichten van onze partners en onze klanten te sturen.
Ook elke geregistreerde gebruiker heeft de mogelijkheid om uw account op deze site permanent te verwijderen.
Algemene bepalingen.
Bij inschrijving, elke gebruiker verklaart dat zij deze overeenkomst heeft gelezen en dat stemt ermee in om volledig te voldoen aan de voorwaarden.


Terms and Conditions (Agreement)
You must be at least 18 years old to register and use the site's services xeddo.nl & xeddo.eu. Registration of persons under 18 is prohibited.
We recommend you carefully read this Agreement. He sets the terms and conditions under which we provide our services through the site xeddo.nl
If you sign and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you have to follow the entire period of use. If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, do not register and not use the services of this website.
We reserve the right to modify at any time without any notice this agreement. Continued use is equivalent to the automatic acceptance of changes. We recommend reading this Agreement regularly for the latest updates.
Xeddo.nl monitoring service.
An announcement xeddo.nl is free. Ads can contain photos, location on the map.
All announcements are published free checked by our operators. Scams, ads or ads published more than once will be deleted without notice.

To register and access the database "xeddo.nl" must fill in the registration form some mandatory data. If the information you provide prove false, we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement and to prevent access to the site.
All information that can identify you (phone, email address, IP, etc.) and all the settings in your account you will only be used by website owners. Your data is confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party, except where the law requires us.
In the registration form you will be asked to enter your mobile phone number.
You can cancel your account at any time and for any reason using the "delete account". In our turn, we may forbid you access anytime and for any reason without prior notice.
Your account is customized and secure password. You choose your own password and a possibility anytime you change it. If you have not completed an email address or the email address you complete a false or incorrect, you can not recover your password if you forget it and you can not access your account on xeddo.nl.
You must not tell anyone your password or allow access to another user account. Also, by this Agreement you commit yourself to another person not to give access to the site through your account.
Each user will have only one account on the site. If you find that you have multiple accounts, we reserve the right to cancel and even prevent access to the site.
You are solely responsible for the security of your account and password and for all activities conducted through your account on the site. If you do not trust your account safety, it is best to change your password and let us know.
We reserve the right to modify at any time without any notice:
terms and conditions of this Agreement
layout, options, facilities Site
access charges
You must not tell anyone your password or allow access to another user account. Also, by this Agreement commit yourself not to resell the database or access the website through your account.
By becoming a member, you agree that database xeddo.nl:
spelling mistakes can sneak;
it can happen to encounter telephone numbers wrong or non-existent;
it can happen to encounter ads published by real estate agencies;
It can happen not to find exactly all that interests you.
xeddo.nl your account will lock automatically, without any prior warning, in case your account is used by many different people and discover that you've created a fictitious account or try to abuse our services and violates this Agreement .
xeddo.nl offers website services as such, but makes no warranty as to:
Security Site users;
errors, interruptions or loss of connection;
any complaints related to the operation site;
any complaints related to the contents of the database;
any faults that prevent access to the Internet.
To address any complaints please use the contact form published on the site.
We reserve the right to send promotional messages from our partners and our customers.
Also any registered user has the possibility to permanently delete your account on this site.
At registration, each user certifies that it has read this Agreement and that agrees to fully comply with its terms and conditions.



Termeni si conditii (Acord)
Trebuie sa ai cel putin 18 ani pentru a te inregistra si pentru a utiliza serviciile site-ului xeddo.nl & xeddo.eu. Inregistrarea persoanelor sub 18 ani este strict interzisa.
Iti recomandam sa citesti cu atentie acest Acord. El stabileste termenii si conditiile in care iti punem la dispozitie serviciile noastre prin intermediul site-ului xeddo.nl
Daca te inregistrezi si esti de acord cu termenii si conditiile acestui Acord, trebuie sa le respecti pe toata perioada utilizarii. Daca nu esti de acord cu termenii acestui Acord, nu te inregistra si nu utiliza serviciile oferite de acest site.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica oricand si fara nici o notificare acest acord. Continuarea utilizarii este echivalenta cu acceptarea automata a modificarilor. Recomandam citirea cu regularitate a acestui Acord pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele modificari.
Serviciul de monitorizare xeddo.nl.
Publicarea unui anunt  xeddo.nl este gratuita. Anunturile pot sa contina fotografii, localizare pe harta .
Toate anunturile publicate gratuit sunt verificate de catre operatorii nostri. Anunturile false, anunturile sau anunturile publicate de mai multe ori vor fi sterse fara nici un preaviz.
Pentru a te inregistra si a avea acces la baza de date "xeddo.nl" trebuie sa completezi in formularul de inscriere cateva date obligatorii. In cazul in care informatiile furnizate de tine se dovedesc false, ne rezervam dreptul de a inceta acest Acord si de a-ti interzice accesul pe site.
Toate informatiile care te pot identifica (telefonul, adresa de email, IP, etc.), precum si toate setarile facute de tine in contul tau vor fi folosite doar de catre proprietarii site-ului. Datele tale sunt confidentiale si nu vor fi dezvaluite nici unei terte parti, exceptie facand cazurile in care legea ne obliga.
In formularul de inscriere ti se va cere sa introduci numarul tau de telefon mobil.
Iti poti anula contul oricand si din orice motiv folosind functia "sterge cont". La randul nostru, avem dreptul sa iti interzicem accesul oricand si din orice motiv fara un avertisment prealabil.
Contul tau este personalizat si securizat prin parola. Parola o alegi singur si ai oricand posibiliatea sa o schimbi. Daca nu ai completat o adresa de email sau ai completat o adresa de email falsa sau incorecta, nu vei putea recupera parola, in cazul in care ai uitat-o si nu vei putea accesa contul tau de pe xeddo.nl.
Nu trebuie sa spui nimanui parola sau sa permiti accesul altui utilizator la cont. De asemenea, prin prezentul Acord te angajezi sa nu cedezi altei persoane accesul la site prin contul tau.
Fiecare utilizator va avea un singur cont pe site. In cazul in care descoperim ca ai mai multe conturi, ne rezervam dreptul de a le anula si chiar de a-ti interzice accesul pe site.
Esti singurul responsabil pentru securitatea contului si parolei, precum si pentru orice activitati desfasurate pe site prin intermediul contului tau. Daca nu mai ai incredere in siguranta contului tau, cel mai bine este sa iti schimbi parola si sa ne anunti.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica oricand si fara nici o notificare prealabila:
termenii si conditiile acestui Acord
aspectul, optiunile, facilitatile site-ului
tarifele de acces
Nu trebuie sa spui nimanui parola sau sa permiti accesul altui utilizator la cont. De asemenea, prin prezentul Acord te angajezi sa nu revinzi baza de date ori accesul la site prin contul tau.
Devenind membru, esti de acord ca in baza de date xeddo.nl :
se pot strecura greseli de ortografie;
se poate intampla sa intalnesti numere de telefon gresite sau inexistente;
se poate intampla sa intalnesti anunturi publicate de agentii imobiliare;
se poate intampla sa nu gasesti exact ofertele care te intereseaza.
xeddo.nl iti va bloca contul in mod automat, fara nicio avertizare prealabila, in situatia in care contul tau este folosit de mai multe persoane diferite sau descoperim ca ti-ai creat un cont fictiv sau incerci sa abuzezi de serviciile noastre si incalci acest Acord.
xeddo.nl ofera serviciile site-ului ca atare, dar nu ofera nici un fel de garantie pentru:
securitatea utilizatorilor site-ului;
eventualele erori, intreruperi sau pierderea conexiunii;
eventualele nemultumiri legate de functionarea site-ului;
eventualele nemultumiri legate de continutul bazei de date;
eventualele defectiuni care impiedica accesul la Internet.
Pentru rezolvarea eventualelor reclamatii va rugam folositi formularul de contact publicat pe site.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a trimite mesaje promotionale din partea noastra, a partenerilor sau clientilor nostri.
Deasemenea orice utilizator inregistrat are posibilitatea sa-si sterga definitiv contul de pe acest site.
La inregistrare, fiecare utilizator certifica faptul ca a citit prezentul Acord si ca este de acord sa respecte in totalitate termenii si conditiile acestuia.             



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